Condition of Settling Pond PT. Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) is still in good condition.
This can be seen when a number of media crews together with several managements of PT. CLM, Wednesday (18/05/2022) visited the Settling Pond location of PT. CLM.
There were two Settling Pond locations visited, namely Pond A in the Landau block and Pon B in the Kandeapi block.
First, the group drove two LV (Light Vehicle – term mining operational vehicles) units to Pond B.
At this location, reporters saw firsthand that Setlind Pond was working quite well. The water is treated from one sediment pond to another, so that the released water looks quite clear.
“Friends, you can see for yourself our Setlind Pond. The information that spreads is said to have been broken and so on. Well, now let's see it's not there. The condition is still very good,” explained PT. CLM's External Relations Manager, Eid al-Adha.
He explained that in Pond B itself, his party had built several sediment ponds. This aims to ensure that the liquid waste that comes out into water bodies as a result of the mining process will meet the quality standards required by the government.
"Of course we hope that the water that comes out of the mining process is clean of solid particles so that it does not cause turbidity in the river as a final disposal site," he explained.
After that, the group headed to Pond A. This location is also no different from Pond B where the Settling Pond still functions well.
"Well, in this place, the former chairman of the East Luwu DPRD once came and did a review. He even had time to wash his face here. This means that the water released to the river is indeed clean," he said again
He said that in Pond A, his party is also continuing to make improvements. Even to increase the number of sediment ponds.
"In this sediment pond, we continue to carry out treatment so that again the water released into the river is not cloudy," he concluded.
During the visit, Apart from Eid al-Adha, Andi Doddy Manggabarani as External Supervisor was also present as well as Fauzi Lukman and Andi Haerul from External Relations. (*)
Source: timur-online.com