In welcoming Idhul Adha 1443 H, PT. Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) following the direction of President Director, Mr. Helmur Hermawan, distributed sacrificial animals in several empowerment villages, Saturday 9/7/2022.
This was conveyed by Eid al-Adha Muller as the CLM Manager, that the sacrificial animals distributed in several villages were 10 cows and 5 goats.
“So, the village that received the sacrificial animal of the type of cow in the Malili sub-district which is included in the empowerment village of PT. There are 1 CLM in Harapan Village, 1 in Pasi-pasi Village, 1 in Pongkeru Village and 1 in Laskap Village," said Eidul Adha Muller.
Besides village empowerment, PT. CLM also distributed 1 cow to Wewangriu Village, East Luwu Polres 1 cow and also to one village in Wotu District 1 cow and for 5 goats distributed to several orphanages.
"We distribute these sacrificial animals to PT CLM empowerment villages and wing villages or supporters," he said.
Meanwhile at the PT. CLM Puncak Indah Village provided 3 cows along with rice to be distributed to the less fortunate residents by providing 60 coupons.
"I hope that with the distribution of sacrificial meat, this can help people in the empowerment and support areas who can enjoy the pleasures of this Eid al-Adha," he said.
Ismail report