Tiga Security PT. Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) is officially certified Gada Pratama after attending Security Guard education and training in Batua Village, Makassar for 16 days, from 23 February to 10 March 2022.
The acquisition of Gada Pratama certification is regulated in Police Regulation (Perpol) No. 4 of 2020 concerning SATPAM in Indonesia, Perpol No. 4 of 2020 has been promulgated on August 5, 2020.
In fact, everyone who wears a security guard or security uniform is required to attend a minimum level of education and training.
"We consider this Perpol Number 4 of 2020 as the basis for security reform in Indonesia, considering that security will become a profession, which has a career path," said Sona Saputra, Head of Security at PT. CLM.
Sona Saputra hopes that the security in charge of the PT. CLM can work professionally in terms of security services.
"We have high hopes with security to build a PT CLM company with high professionalism and integrity in maintaining company security," he hoped.
"We don't forget to say thank you to the President Director of PT CLM Mr. Helmut Hermawan and the GM of PT CLM Mr. Fredy Napitupulu who have fully supported the realization of this Gada Pratama certified security guard," said Sona Saputra.
Source: Batarapos.com