The National Waste Care Day established by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia (KLHK RI), on February 21, 2006, became the moment for the National Waste Care Day (HPSN).
Ahead of this moment, PT. Citra Lampia Mandiri (PT.CLM) together with the Youth Community Organization (OKP) conducted Social Service (Baksos) activities in a number of public facilities in Malili District, East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Friday (19/02).
The social service activity that was opened, the External Supervisor Department of PT. CLM, Fauzi Lukman, is the first time that HPSN has been held in Malili District, which involves all stakeholders considering that waste is still a problem faced by the global community.
"Currently, Indonesia is in the second position as the largest contributor to plastic waste in the world. It can not be separated from the behavior and nature that we often do. So, through this 2021 HPSN moment, we from PT. CLM will continue to strive to build public awareness of the importance of disposing of waste in its proper place,” said Fauzi Lukman when opening the HPSN in Malili.
Regarding the HPSN moment, the External Director of PT. CLM, Ismail Achmad who attended the event conveyed the commitment of PT. CLM to commemorate HPSN 2021, with social service activities through regular community service.
"Through this HPSN 2021 moment, the management of PT. CLM is committed to continuing to carry out regular social service agendas in several places, especially in the empowerment area. Because we hope that with the social service activities that we do regularly, we can immediately make people aware that it is important to maintain cleanliness for the sustainability of the ecosystem,” explained Ismail Achmad.
External Director of PT. CLM said that the commemoration (HPSN) was a joint idea with OKP, government and private institutions to commemorate the 200-meter-high and 60-meter-long trash mountain at the Leuwigajah TPA, Cimahi City, West Java, the landslide that hit two villages, Cilimus and Pojok, killed 157 people, February 21, 2005, ago.
In the framework of HPSN 2021, PT. CLM distributed trash cans to a number of government and private institutions which were witnessed, AMALTIM, Sketsa, FKPPI, Pemuda Pancasila, Laskar Merah Putih Karang Taruna, Opab Malili, Kopi Bonsai Baru and the community.
Source: Penategas.id