It turned out that PT. Citra Lampia Mandiri is 15 years old, the birthday of PT. CLM was established on April 3, 2022.
Various activities carried out by the management of PT. CLM at that time so that the 15th anniversary was only commemorated on Saturday, April 16, 2022, yesterday to be exact, the 14th of Ramadan.
15th Anniversary of PT. CLM held Iftar with the community and employees, not only bukber, PT. CLM also handed over overcompensation to the management of LKSA Alhuda Lampia, LKSA Ittihad Ummah, and LKSA Darussalam Ussu Muhammadiyah Puncak Indah village with total compensation of Rp. 25 million.
PT. CLM also has a new office, PT. This CLM was also inaugurated in a series of 15th Anniversary in Puncak Indah Village, Malili District, which was also attended by the External Director of PT. CLM Ismail Ahmad.
With the achievements of PT. Until now, Ismail Achmad hopes that CLM employees will continue to develop in terms of the quality of their human resources, as well as the desire to continue to improve. He is also optimistic that PT CLM will become a nickel mining company that advances and develops from time to time.
"Of course, by maximizing all the capabilities and potential we have, we will produce something good, and what is no less important is to always maintain the sense of togetherness that has existed so far, so this company continues to advance and can collaborate with the regional government of East Luwu Regency," said Ismail Ahmad.
Through the momentum of Ramadan this year, he also invited all employees of PT. CLM to always increase piety and continue to strengthen the ties of friendship so that all planned and implemented efforts always get the blessing of Allah.