On the day of Eid al-Adha 1443 H, PT Citra Lampia Mandiri, following the directions of the President Director, Helmut Hermawan, handed over sacrificial animals at the Al-Huda Muallaf Guidance Foundation Ossu Mondo Perdido East Timor, Saturday (09/07).
The Al-Huda Orphanage (LKSA) is located in Harapan Village, Makarti sub-district, Malili sub-district which is also included in the village empowerment area of PT. CLM.
By getting 1 goat as a sacrificial animal, the chairman of the foundation, Yusuf Rahman, thanked CLM for sharing the sustenance.
"We from the Al-Huda converts foundation ossu Mondo Perdido East Timor thank you very much for the assistance of sacrificial animals to us. Hopefully, Mr. leadership of PT. CLM is given a long life from Allah SWT and all affairs run smoothly, Amen, God, "said Yusuf Rahman via WhatsApp message.
Yusuf also hopes that PT. CLM never stops providing assistance to God's servants who need a helping hand.
"Since CLM has been on Earth, the teacher of East Luwu has helped many underprivileged communities, especially us at this foundation, and we pray that CLM will continue to advance and prosper," he said.
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Source: sinyaltajam.com